Monthly Newsletter Fiddlers Grove Woodcarvers Lebanon, TN March 26, 2022
Meeting Conducted By: Jon Zeiller
Location: Veterans Building, Fiddlers Grove
Number in Attendance: 8 Visitors: 0
Note: This meeting was moved from March 12th to the 26th because of a snow storm. This entailed a change in venue as well.
Old Business:
New Business:
There was a discussion of upcoming events that are usually supported by club members. It was noted that a date conflict exists (May 28th) between the Heritage Day in Granville and the Neddy Jacobs day at fiddlers grove. Attendance at these events will be discussed at the April and May meetings. For the Wilson County/State Fair, it was noted that the club will not be in the pole barn as we have in the past. Our new location is yet to be determined but a possible venue would be a picnic shelter. The events are as follows:
Historic Granville TN -- We have been asked to participate in the following events in Granville, TN
May 7, 2022 -- Cornbread and Moonshine Festival
May 28, 2022 -- Heritage Day
October 1, 2022 -- Fall Celebration
For more information on Granville events, click here.
Neddy Jacobs Heritage Day at Fiddlers Grove will be Saturday, May 28th from 9:00am - 4:00pm. Click here for more information on Neddy Jacobs Day.
The Wilson County Fair/Tennessee State Fair will be held this year from August 18th to the 27th. Put these dates on your calendar since we always participate in the fair as Fiddlers Grove artisans. For more information on the fair, click here.
Show & Tell
Five members had carvings to show at the meeting. First, Matt had a couple of three-legged stools that he turned on his laythe. One stool was painted using multiple layers of milk paint, sanded then sealed. This stool is a "demo" which demonstrates a variety of different turning styles of legs. Cheese wire was used to highlight the lines between the turned segments. The wood used for the stool that was not painted is maple.
Butch had sasquatch, wooden soldier spoon, and a two faced sun.
Phil displayed two relief carvings: A mountain view with his daughter & future husband in foreground and an old time gas station -- a Jon Engler design painted with water colors.
Jon displayed two snowmen christmas ornaments.
Joe presented a product called "Quick Wood '' from Germany that can be sanded and painted. Discussion followed and it was determined that Lowes carries a similar product called
"KwikWood' ".
Note: Three of the pictures above did not turn out well so we will retake them at the next meeting and then replace them on the webpage.